Homepage Petra Rautiainen. (1988) was born in a small town in Finland. She has a Master’s degree in History and Cultural Studies, and is currently working on her doctoral theses on representations of the Sámi in the Finnish media. She has also worked as a journalist and studied creative writing. Rautiainen has travelled around the world. She has also studied in the UK and worked in Canada, New Zealand and Scotland. Since childhood, Rautiainen has traveled a lot in the North and Arctic area. She is inspired by the barren nature of the Arctics. She loves being in the nature and likes to hike. She has hiked in Lapland, but also in Iceland, Scotland and on the Faroe Islands. Now days she has a new traveler company: a small red miniaturepoodle Ruska (the name translates to autumn foliage).Petra is interested in equality issues, in minorities and their culture as well as in historic representations of difference that still influence our norms and ideas today. Homepage Petra Rautiainen Translation sold so far to:Pushkin Press (English / UK & Australia, New-Zealand), Suhrkamp (German), Seuil (French), Marsilio Editori (Italian, 2 book deal), Meridiaan Uitgevers (Dutch, 2 book deal)Norstedts (Swedish), Gyldendal Norsk (Norwegian, 2 book deal), Modtryk (Danish, 2 book deal), Europakiadó (Hungarian), Paseka(Czech). Contact Petra Rautiainen. Petra Rautiainen´s debut novel LAND OF SNOW AND ASHES ( 8/2020) was the first Finnish debut novel that sold English translation rights prior publication. At the end of the year 2020 — only just after four months from release — translation rights was sold into 10 languages. Almost half of the confirmed publishing deals including also Rautiainen’s second novel that she is currently writing. homepage Petra Rautiainen
Petra Rautiainen

“For me, writing is a way to try to understand the world, as well as a way to construct a world. We need literature to keep on understanding each others.”

Portrait pictures: Jonne Räsänen

Finnish novelist’s debut rights sold internationally
Finnish writer Petra Rautiainen’s debut novel, Land of Snow and Ashes, has aroused international interest, with its rights for Dutch, German, Italian and English sold before publication. The book is set in Lapland during and after the Second World War, where the arctic beauty contrasts with the brutal actions conducted against the indigenous Sámi people at a secret Nazi prison camp.
British-based Pushkin Press bought the UK and Commonwealth rights for the book and will publish it as one of its lead titles in 2022.
"Petra Rautiaisen esikoisteos voitti Savonia-kirjallisuuspalkinnon – Tuhkaan piirretty maa käsittelee rankkoja ja vaiettuja aiheita"
"Suomen Lapissa saattoi olla jopa 200 natsien vankileiriä, sanoo Petra Rautiainen – Romaani kuvaa monille tuntemattomia julmuuksia ja saamelaisten karua kohtelua"
"Kirječällee Petra Rautiainen, tun jieh lah sämmilâš, mutâ tuu kirjeest uáinojeh sämikielah já sämmiliih. Maht návt?"
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